Logarithmic IQ
We need to consider the complexity of the robot when talking about an artificial soul. And as a visualization of the intelligence in different creatures, we propose a line-up of intelligence in a logarithmic chart: Logarithmic IQ. There is today, to our knowledge, no common method of measuring general intelligence in quantitative numbers covering all intelligent creatures, as with human intelligence. But anyway, if we would assume it was, and that we start guessing what score different species would have, we would maybe end up with a chart as below. By stepping with the power of ten between different groups, we get a wide spectrum of intelligence’s, but also a feeling of the resolution between different groups at the low end, as well as at the high end. With humans at score 100, we would plausible state that mammals are around 10, and further insects in the range of 1. For plants we may estimate lower intelligence than for animals, but still measurable. One interesting aspect of this chart is the fact that we (but not always) assign soul to almost the entire population – so there is not any real connection between soul and specific intelligence, which we believe is a common mistake when we argue about who’s to have a soul, and who’s not.